Is not the number of bowls of cereal I have eaten this week. It is not the number of dirty diapers we use in a month. It is the safe upper limit of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. We are getting dangerously close to that number, to being past the point of no return.
Today is Blog Action Day. It is a chance to spread the word about the impact we are having on our atmosphere and make plans to start to change the way we live. On October 24th people all over the world will be taking action to stop climate change.
Think about what you can do on the 24th to a make difference. To get the word out that something needs to be done. Make sure you continue to check back as I will be talking about ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and what Joe and I will be doing on the 24th.
Today is Blog Action Day. It is a chance to spread the word about the impact we are having on our atmosphere and make plans to start to change the way we live. On October 24th people all over the world will be taking action to stop climate change.
Think about what you can do on the 24th to a make difference. To get the word out that something needs to be done. Make sure you continue to check back as I will be talking about ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and what Joe and I will be doing on the 24th.
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