
2 Holy Crap Balls - Vote for Us

We have been nominated for the SocialLuxe BlogLuxe 2010 Awards. We are in the 'Things I have learned the most from' category. Take a trip on over there and vote for us. You can vote once a day until July 12th.

I am still in shock that we are on the nomination list and am seriously humbled but the other blogs we are up against. While you are there check out some of the other awesome blogs in all the catergories.

And remember. A vote for us = A vote for awesomeness.


  1. i am having trouble submitting the password. i'm getting the email, but my vote is not counting because i can't figure out where to enter it in :(
    this is the code 941578.
    is there a trick i can't figure out! good luck!

  2. When you select the blogs you want to vote for and then hit submit it asks you to enter in your email. Once you do that it sends a password to your email. You take that password code and enter it into the box that is in the popup screen (where you had to enter your email address). Alternatively you can click on the link in the email they send to you.
