
3 Week 6 - 2011 in 2011

This week was sad. Seriously, could I have a lower total count? There is nothing to really say other than I will do better next week.

Recycle - 0
Garbage - 0
Hazardous Waste - 0
Donate - 57
Sell - 15
Giveaway - 0
Return - 0
Compost - 0
? - 0
Total number of items = 72

Grand total so far = 1285

Most thought provoking item from an environmental perspective - I used to travel a lot for work. I spent 95% of my time on the road. I found out that if I didn't use all the little soaps and shampoo's when I was checking out they would throw them out! So I started taking them at the end of each trip. My plan is to donate them to a women's shelter or to a charity that puts together bags for the homeless.

Related Posts - Check them Out
2011 in 2011
Day 7 - No Impact Experiment
Weekend to End Women's Cancers


  1. You have a nice blog. Hope we can exchange links too. - http://www.mygreenlivingideas.com

  2. I have taken the mini shampoos and soaps and plan to give them to a local women's shelter... just need to actually get there and make it happen. I will add that to my long term to do list!

  3. If you need help finding a shelter just let me know!
