
6 A Milestone

Last week we celebrated B's 2nd birthday but as the sun tucked behind the horizon B and I quietly celebrated another occasion. We have been nursing for 2 years now. In fact as Joe and I reflected upon it we realized that I have nursed B at least 2 times a day every day of his life except for 1 when I was walking in the Weekend to End Women's Cancers walk.

I don't talk about nursing as much anymore unless it is with family, close friends or fellow breastfeeders. I guess I feel like I have gotten to the point where people just do not understand why I would continue to nurse. I know I am in the minority right now and as each day passes and we continue to nurse I slip further and further into this minority. The thing is I love breastfeeding B. I love that for 2 years I have been able to provide him with the best milk possible. I love how predictable he is as he plays with his feet or laughs when I kiss his toes. I love how when he is done nursing he says 'All done' and gives me a hug. And I know I am lucky that it has mostly been easy for us....that we have not had any complications.

People ask me if I have thought about weaning and it is a hard question to answer. Sure I have thought about it because I know it will happen and I need to prepare myself for that. I have talked to other Mom's about how they ended their breastfeeding journey and I hope that it goes as smoothly for B and I. But for now we continue on....

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Moooooo goes Mommy
Boobs don't fail me now!!!


  1. Congratulations Jen! That is a really amazing milestone to hit. I'm hoping Gwen and I get there too.

  2. Glad to hear that you guys are still going strong Meegs!

  3. We just hit 2 years too :) Congrats! I'm so glad we've made it this far.

  4. Congrats! We are still going at 3 years. :) I am surprised certain people I know haven't died of shock and disapproval yet hahah. But who cares what others think? I have enough to worry about without that!

  5. 3 years is amazing Camille!!
