

Eco Summer Camps and Activities

As the weather warms up and the days get longer I know it means that soon the streets will be crowded with street hockey nets later than usual, that kids will be riding their bikes all over our lawn (seriously) 7 days a week and that parents will be freaking out looking for ideas of what to do with their kids for 2 months. We haven't had to think about that yet as B is in daycare still but since he starts Montessori school this fall it will mean that we will be on our own to find something for him each summer. 

When I was a kid spent my summers riding my bike, camping up north with my family or fighting off raccoons at Girl Guide camp. Summer time is a perfect time to ensure your little one has fun at camp but also learns about the importance of the environment and gets a chance to connect with nature. It is especially important if you live in an urban environment where nature isn't readily at your fingertips! 

Cambridge (Ontario) - Rare Eco-Camp 
Dallas - Trinity River Audubon Center - Variety of Eco-Camps
Ontario (Algonquin) - Camp Pathfinder
Ottawa - Keen for Green Camp
Philadelphia - Growing Greener Day Camps
Seattle - Wilderness Awareness
Toronto - Evergreen Brickworks 
Vancouver - Variety of Eco-Camps

If you are having a hard time finding an eco-camp in your area contact your local university/college. They will most likely know where you can find a program that will suit your needs. If they have an environmental department they may even be holding a camp themselves!

Summer Eco-Ideas
* Camping is a great way to connect with nature. Find one that also combines with another interest your child has (ie: sports, photography)
* Teach them something new like canoeing or kayaking.
* Go hiking with an eco-scavenger hunt list!
* Make crafts from recycled materials (Pinterest is a gold mine!)
* Let your kids build their own garden and then let them maintain it all summer.

Check out this conference if you are teacher and looking for ideas on how to add more eco-content to your classroom so your kids can continue to learn about being kind to nature long after the summer is done. The Nature Preschool Conference runs June 8-9 in Maryland.

What do you have planned for your kids this summer?

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  1. Ohh, thanks for posting this! We're good for this summer and next (daycare), but I'm bookmarking that Philadelphia one for the future.

  2. I'm thinking ahead too. We have to start looking next summer. eeek
