

Go Green - Get Fit Challenge

Last summer I decided that I was sick of not feeling strong and on a whim I signed my friend Tanya and I up for bootcamp classes. We started in October (after my feet healed) and went diligently every week. We learned a lot of new exercises and I generally started to feel a bit stronger. But it wasn't enough. At work we started a Healthy Holiday Challenge to help motivate each other to stay healthy and fit through the holidays. This was honestly life changing for me. Through the support and guidance of coworkers and friends I have gotten back to the point where fitness and healthy eating are a part of every day life. They are no longer an after thought. I am no longer letting myself slide by on the fact that I have a slender build...I wanted to be stronger and toned and I have actively set my life on a path to achieve that. 

 Wearing a toddler = free resistance training

Since January I have lost 12lbs and increased my muscle mass. I know I have made a lot of progress but I am not all the way there yet. I have been given the awesome opportunity to join a team of green bloggers who also are on a path to get fit!  Together we will be spending 12 weeks posting our successes and challenges with living a green lifestyle and getting fit. We will be offering advice on how to reduce the impact of your workout, how to put yourself and your health first and how fitness and nature can be connected. 

Here are my goals:
* Increase strength through resistance training at the gym and home (at least 3 times a week)
* Increase endurance through cardio training at the gym (spin at least once, cardio 2 other times)
* Find the love of running again
* Try yoga
* Begin to track food intake and alter diet accordingly (get rid of processed foods!)

Want to Join Us!!! (you know you do)
* Stop by the Facebook Page
* Check out Twitter and the hashtags #GoGreenGetFit and #SustainYourself
* Follow the other awesome green bloggers who are leading this challenge
* Check out our board on Pinterest and also my Pinterest fitness board

Starting June 18th I will be posting weekly about how I am doing towards my goals and offering tips on how to live a healthier life and reduce the impact of your workout.

Women will be opening pickle jars everywhere! But don't do it naked...because seriously no matter how fit you are no one needs to see that.


  1. Congrats on the progress you've made so far. Being a part of a team is a definite plus. Can't wait to see how everyone does!

  2. Will you be using any videos while you train at home? I always find it so hard to stay motivated by what's on a screen--would love any recommendations you have! I'm so excited to be a part of the fun :)

  3. Hey Gretchen! I have the 30 Day Shred and have done it once. It was boring. There are only 3 videos on the whole thing, one for each level. So basically you do the same workout every single day for 10 days. I need more variety than that!

    If I workout at home I do mini circuits using things I have learned in bootcamp or that I found on pinterest. I plan it out in advance so I know what I am doing and targeting multiple muscle groups.

    I have heard good things about P90X but haven't tried it yet.

  4. So glad you are a part of our team and we're sharing this journey!

  5. Big shout out to you!! Love that you are doing yoga. Did you see this pin today on the GGGF pin board??

  6. I didn't see that so thanks for sharing! I have never done yoga so I am excited to try it out!
