

Help Me Save Langley - RAOK

Random Acts of Kindness are awesome.  It feels great when it happens to you but it feels even better when you are able to do something for someone else. Sometimes it's anonymous, sometimes it's not but that doesn't matter because it is the act of doing something for someone else that counts. Adoption is a very selfless act, one might say it is the ultimate Random Act of Kindness. For the month of June I am launching the next phase in Help Me Save Langley. Random Acts of Kindness for Langley will last the entire month of June and hopefully through your acts and your sharing we can help someone step forward to be completely selfless and adopt Langley. If you can share information on Langley as you are doing a random act for someone that would be awesome as it just increases the number of people who know about him and is a huge step forward in finding him his forever family and then helping fund his adoption.

The Giveaway

Grand Prize - I will pay (using my Aeroplan points) for a 1 night stay (just the room not room service, mini bar etc) for 2 in the city of your choice (subject to availability with my points program).

Additional Prize - A $50 gift card for Thanks Mama, which is a great source for eco-friendly items. (I received this as a thank you for helping with a Twitter Party Baby Rabies was holding and Thanks Mama was sponsoring)

The Details
* 1 entry for every Random Act of Kindness for Langley
* 1 entry if you donate to Langley's grant account on Reece's Rainbow (tax deductible)
* 1 entry for every photo you get of someone else with a 'Help Me Save Langley' sign (send me the photo!)
* 1 entry if you share this post via social media or in any other way (newspaper, at your church/school etc)

You can do as many Random Acts of Kindness for Langley as you want in the month of June. Each will gain you a separate entry. You must leave a comment for each thing you do, each time you share and if you donate to his grant account. 

Together let's make a difference in people's lives and let's pray one of those lives is Langley's.


  1. Shared on A New Day's facebook page!

  2. Oh, and shared on my personal page too!

    Ps. You are awesome Jen. You are doing an amazing thing.

  3. Love the video! And so fun for June. :)

    I shared on Facebook and blogged about it here:

  4. You have such a big heart. Check your email incase my email went to your spam!! :) :)

  5. We took cookies to our local fire department! Thanks for the inspiration Jen!!

  6. Hi, I just shared Langley again on my blog

    and I also donated to his fund the other day.

    Keep up the good work. Rosie.

  7. RAOK yesterday was to give candy bars to the security guards at the Children's Home here! They work hard and I'm sure don't get enough thanks!

    Today: Tape some change bags to vending machines at the Children's Hospital while I go visiting some families. :)

  8. Let me know how that goes! I put change up on our vending machine at work yesterday morning and it is still there!

  9. Thanks for sharing and donating Rosie!

  10. Change at the machines were posted today at Children's Hospital on the surgery floor! I also picked up 10 water color sets and some playsets for kids while I was at the dollar store today. When I got the the hospital I gave them out to 10 kids that were sitting in the waiting rooms! Hopefully it helped give them something to do for a little while. RAOK for Langley! I love him!

  11. Great job on the video! I shared on FB! Praying Langley gets his mama and daddy soon!

  12. I shared the video on my facebook page today...My sister is the most inspiring person i know and i wish Langley coould one day know you.

  13. I shared on my facebook!

  14. Yesterday I said hi to and struck up a conversation at the zoo with a 71 year old with Down Syndrome, he was such a sweet old man! (By far the oldest person with Down Syndrome I have ever met)

  15. I gave the kids each a quarter and when we went to Toys R Us I let them each buy a silly thing out of the 25 cent machine to give to other kids. I never let them get that stuff and I'm sure other parents hate those machines too, it made three other childrens day!

  16. We bought a little girl an ice cream cone at the zoo yesterday because her mom left her wallet in the car. Yesterday was full of Raok for us!

  17. Colleen that is a lot of awesome stuff you and your kiddo's are doing!

  18. Thanks for sharing Katie!

  19. It's awesome that you're doing this, Jen. I donated to the grant account on Reece's Rainbow.

  20. I also shared on Facebook. =)

  21. Wow! Thanks so much NP!

  22. Is there an update on Langley?

  23. Did you see this update Sherry?
