

Beat the Heat with a Eco Summer Treat

Sometimes the perfect way to cool off in the summer is to enjoy a delicious cold treat. When I was a kid we had a freezer full of popsicle's to pick from or we could wait for the elusive bell ringing that would indicate that the Dickie Dee guy was biking down the street. Those were the good days!  We have been in our house for 5 years and not once have we had a Dickie Dee bike in our neighbourhood. That stupid knife sharpening truck tries to make you think it is the ice cream bike with his bell ringing but I am not to be fooled!

There are so many options in the store for popsicle's but have you ever read the label? Sugar, sugar, sugar and also some sugar. Some brands have "real fruit" varieties but typically they aren't just fruit and they are way more expensive.   I have always talked about making our own at home but we didn't have the molds to do it and locally all I could seem to find in stores was the plastic molds. 

A few weeks ago this arrived in our mailbox. Our very own ONYX stainless steel popsicle mold set! EEEEEEKKKKK! I pretty much started to make popsicle's right away. Look out pinterest I am about to pin a whole bunch of recipes! For my first kick at the can I made a simple smoothie recipe consisting of blackberries, strawberries, banana and almond milk. I blended them up in my blended and then poured them into each mold. After a few hours in the freezer we had some delicious and healthy popsicle's to enjoy. 

I offered them to my niece and nephew when they were over and while they both took one my nephew instantly decided he would like a freezie instead. And you know with kids what then happens...the dreaded chain reaction. There was half eaten homemade popsicle's on the table and freezies in each kids hand. I blame it on the blackberries and their tartness and perhaps also on the size of the popsicle. They were a bit big for 3 and 5 year olds. Next time I would fill the molds only half way if I am making them for kids.

I really like the ONYX molds. They were super easy to use and everything I needed to make the popsicle's. I find that they are easy to clean which is a huge bonus as there is no small parts for sticky melted popsicle to get into. It was really easy to remove the popsicle's too. I just ran them under some water for 2 or 3 seconds and they popped right out. 

Stainless steel molds will cost you more money but there are many benefits compared to the traditional plastic molds. Yes there is an environmental impact to making stainless steel but there is also an impact in making plastic. Having studied how steel is made and worked at a plastics plant I would say that producing steel has a greater impact on the environment than plastic. BUT when you look at the full life cycle of steel vs plastic steel would come out in the lead as the better choice. Stainless steel is very durable and prevents corrosion. This means it is going to last a long time. You will be passing these ONYX molds down to your kids to use on your grandkids! Plastic on the other hand is not as durable and is prone to breakage especially at temperature differentials. Both stainless steel and plastic can be recycled but with stainless steel lasting longer than plastic it means that plastic will be recycled more times (using more energy and resources) than stainless steel. 

From a health perspective stainless steel is better for you than plastic. Especially when it involves food and temperature differentials. If stainless steel molds are not in your budget then look for molds that are made without BPA. 

Do you make popsicle's at home? What do you use? What is your favourite recipe?

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I was given this product by ONYX but all thoughts are my own and have not been influenced in any way.

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