

Fitness and Camping - Go Green Get Fit

We went camping this week which would normally mean no workouts but I tried to plan the trip so that we got lots of exercise. It can be hard to find time and resources to work out when you are away, especially when you are camping but it is totally doable.

Swimming is a great way to exercise when you are away. We had the luxury of having a beautiful lake at our campground and we took advantage of time twice a day. Joe and I would take turns swimming and playing with B so we both got some exercise in. 

We went on hikes every day. We looked for trails that would be a suitable length for carting a 3 year old around but would also be a bit off the beaten path and have things to keep him interested. The first trail we went on was just under 5km. I wore B for probably half of the hike and the rest of the time he just walked/ran on his own. The second day we found a shorter trail but it was less maintained so a bit of a tougher hike. We made sure to stop at a turtle rehabilitation area in hopes that we would spot some and we got lucky! 2 babies and an adult turtle! 

Wearing a 32lb kid is a great way to not only get cardio but also resistance training!  You just need to make sure that you are wearing a good carrier so you can distribute the weight evenly. I have used a few over the last 3 years but one that is by far the best (and the only one I use now) is the Baby Hawk Oh Snap.

We also managed to go for a lot of walks. Let's face it...with a 3 year old you have to keep busy and kill time so between meals, hikes, swimming and crafts we walked around the park. I would say we averaged another 5-10km per day on top of our daily hike.

I know it doesn't feel like you are working out doing these sorts of things but you are. You are burning calories and if carrying your kid you are also getting that extra resistance in.

There are lots of other exercises you can do when camping. A friend of mine is always posting pictures on her Facebook of herself doing yoga on the beach. You could go for a bike ride, run, even do a small circuit on the beach or on your campsite. You just have to make the time and commitment to keep with your routine no matter where you are.

Go Green Get Fit Status
Fitness - I made up for not being able to go to the gym!
Strength - 32lbs + hiking = weight training. This week I am going to commit to 2 circuits.
Food - I'm taking a no take out 2 week challenge. This is week 2.
Me Time - I am taking time to read and just unwind. It is awesome.

Go Green Get Fit Blog of the Week - Nancy from Surviving and Thriving on Pennies

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