

Help Me Save Langley - RAOK Winners

June was awesome. I loved doing things for other people and seeing what you had done. I loved that so many people joined in and that so many different random acts of kindness were done all in Langley's name. This month allowed me to slow down a bit and witness what those around me were doing for others. In a world that sometimes seems full of cold and distant people I found myself surrounded by awesome people doing awesome things. You guys are good eggs.

Beth spreading the word about Langley!

Thank you to everyone who did something for someone else. Thank you to everyone who shared Langley's story. Thank you to everyone who donated to his grant account. Thank you for jumping into this with me so soon after our big fundraiser for Langley. 

 Meegs daughter Gwen taking cookies to the fire department

Okay...the WINNERS!!

Grand Prize: 1 night hotel stay - Rishma for bringing treats to work on a craptastic day
Thanks Mama $50 Gift Card - Sarah for buying coffee for the person behind her in line
Thanks Mama $50 Gift Card - Ashley (Langley's Mom!) for sharing his video

Thanks again everyone! If the mood strikes you, Langley and Evie's family could use all the support they can get in bringing the kiddo's home. Their region is expensive (probably $50K for both kids) and right now they have just over $15K in both kids accounts.  You can donate here. 100% of your donation goes directly to their adoption.

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