

Going Green at Blissdom Canada

I'm Goin', Eh.This weekend I am headed for my first blogging conference (squeeee). When I first heard that there was such a thing as conferences for bloggers I read lots of information on waste. Giveaways that ended up in the trash, styrofoam or plastic plates and utensils being used for meals.  But as the years have passed and each conference comes and goes I have read of vast improvements in the overall impact of the events.

When I signed up for Blissdom Canada I knew that it wouldn't be perfect from a green perspective but there are some great initiatives that are available and things you yourself can do to be a little bit greener.

Save Paper
Don't print your Eventbrite ticket! Just keep a copy of it on your smart phone or laptop and show that when we go to the registration table. They will have copies of your name tag there for you too.If you are flying use an e-boarding pass. I did this on a recent trip to the UK and it was so simple. Each time I had to show it they just scanned the QR code on my BlackBerry.

When it comes to business cards look for sustainable options like 100% post consumer waste, FSC certified, soy based inks and smaller sized cards. Skip the rounded corners as it creates extra waste in the production of your cards. Consider not even printing business cards. I decided against them this year and instead will be walking around with a QR code that you can scan to get to my information. Another great option (and on my list of potential options for next year) is getting a stamp made with all the same information as you would put on a business card. Instead of handing out cards just stamp the back of people's badges or on a page of their notebook.  Green Printer   The World's Greenest Business Card

There are a million ways to get to Blissdom. Consider taking public transit or carpooling if you are looking to reduce your impact (and save money!!).

Reduce your Waste
Bring your own travel coffee mug and your own water bottle. If you don't want to carry both then you can easily use your coffee mug for water too! And don't forget to recycle!

Stay Smarter
Simple things make all the difference like turning off your lights when you leave your room. Our hotel also has an option to not have cleaning each day as a way to reduce the amount of water, chemicals and electricity that are used. If you want to participate you will get extra club points. This is a great extra incentive for those who want it! 

Take Only What You Will Use
I know there will be lots of giveaways this weekend. I know it is the blogger version of a kid in a candy store. Focus on the key brands that are of interest to you and take the items that you know you will use. If you do end up with something you don't want or can't use don't throw it away! Ask around if someone else wants it. Maybe you can even swap it for something you do want!

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1 comment:

  1. It is crazy the amount of waste at conferences. When I went Toronto last fall for a conference I composted but Toronto makes it easy to compost because they offer composting bins on the street like recycling bins! So this year, again I will be composting while at the conference. Not many green companies at the conference this year, so I really wont have much swag. Lat year the Canadian Mint was a sponsor so I took a fairy coin and some Molson Canadian was s sponsor so I took mugs which I actually gave away!

    When I went to NYC in August, I brought my compost back with me. I know- weird! And I didn't take much swag just stuff that I would use and needed. I didn't give out my business cards just because. I gave them to people that actually wanted them. Have fun in T-dot. I hope that we can meet up!!!
