

Eco-Challenge Results: Fixing my Toe with Apple Cider Vinegar

For the last month I have been soaking my toe in apple cider vinegar to help repair it. I was supposed to soak it for 30 minutes twice a day but let's be honest who has time to sit around soaking a toe on a work morning? Not me. So instead I only soaked it at night. And I will be honest, some nights I probably 10 of the 31 nights. Towards the end I started doing straight up apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball in hopes that it would accelerate the process and make up for the 10 nights I had missed. The only difference I saw in using it directly on my toe and not mixed with water is that it turned my nail slightly yellow.  So that kind of sucked.

This treatment method is supposed to cure any nail issues in 30 days. Since I didn't do it twice a day I'm thinking that it will take twice the time. So while my toe is not completely fixed I do feel like there is a difference. My nail feels and looks stronger. The new nail that is growing looks "normal". I plan to now use the cotton ball method for 10 minutes each morning and then soak for 30 minutes each night for the next month. 

What do you think? Do you think that it is working? 


  1. Definite improvement! May I ask what the original issue is?

  2. I did a walk for breast cancer 2 years in a row. 95km in 3 days + so many km's for training. They think that it is just trauma to the toe that has made it susceptible to infection. It started a few months after the last walk (2011).

  3. Much better! It looks less brittle - first photo there are holes and cracks and now it looks almost normal. Do you think you need socks that wick away the moisture better when you are walking? It doesn't seem normal to suffer that sort of damage from walking. You could probably clear up the yellowing with a mixture of baking soda and peroxide.

  4. I do wear socks that pull the moisture away! It isn't just walking that did this....its the amount of walking in 2 days (60km). Your feet take a real beating. I have other damage that just does not go away. Thanks for the baking soda and peroxide tip!

  5. Looks like they're improving really well. Good job. Hope it goes back to normal soon.

  6. If it doesn't work, use straight tea tree oil. That's what got rid of my toe nail fungus.

  7. I've been adding tea tree oil to the apple cider soak and it has been helping.

  8. Any updates??

  9. So much better! I should update with a picture.
