

Eco-Friendly Potty Training Tips

We day time potty trained B over a year ago, which was an extreme exercise in patience. Of course on the day I am are running late for work he decides to poop on the kitchen floor and hallway floor and the stairs! We went into the process not knowing a thing about it other than what I had read online and in a book but what we did know is that we wanted it to be as eco-friendly as possible.

1. Skip the pull ups and go straight to underwear or cloth training pants. Pull ups will mean you will be generating waste for longer and prevent your little one from feeling the wetness in time to stop it and get to the bathroom. Cloth training paints are a good option for a little bit of protection but still allowing them to feel wetness.

2. Look for second hand potty training accessories. We didn't bother with the little potty and went straight to the potty seat on the big toilet. This way we only had to buy the seat, not the potty and then the seat. Once a week wash your seat with a 50/50 mixture of hot water and vinegar.

3. Teach your child 'if its yellow let it mellow' for pee at home. Stress the 'at home' part with them so they don't get in trouble for not flushing at school. Doing this will save 1.6 gallons of water each time they pee which over the course of 1 year would add up to over 4500 gallons of water saved. 

4. Toddlers have been know to take a million times more toilet paper than they require. I use B's fascination with counting to my advantage and get him to count out one-two squares to use. Now he only takes the 3 squares and isn't wasting toilet paper. Also, it is way less for me to clean up when I walk into the bathroom and there is toilet paper in the toilet, hang over the edge of the bowl, down onto the floor and up into the garbage can.

5. Chances are if you potty training you are doing a lot more laundry. If you don't get to it right away it can sometimes be hard to get the pee smell out, especially with some of the softer pajama material. An easy way to get rid of the smell is to strip the item with this simple recipe.

6. Instead of candy and plastic toy rewards for potty success look for options you already have around the house. We had a ton of stickers that we get in mailers or birthday party grab bags so we used those for rewards (1 for pee, 2 for poop). Big rewards could also be activities like going to the museum or local farm. 

What eco-friendly potty training tips do you have?

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