

101 in 1001 - Take 3

I don't do resolutions at the start of each year. I feel like they set you up for failure and let's face mid to end of January you have given up anyways.  This is my 3rd time doing 101 things in 1001 days. No, I don't get all 101 things done in that time frame....for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I forget about it before it is too late, sometimes our projects around the house change and we no longer need something. The point of the 101 in 1001 is to develop a list of attainable goals and spread them out over a manageable amount of time. After my last round of 101 in 1001 I decided to refocus and have items that target a better me, a better life. Less stuff, more meaning. I have created 10 goals and have tasks I want to complete to achieve that goal. The next 1001 days are about discovering a new me and accomplishing things I want for myself.

My First 101 in 1001
My Second 101 in 1001

Start Date - January 10, 2014
End Date - October 7, 2016

Anything with a * is carryover from previous years that I still want to do. Items in green are in progress. Items in blue are completed. 

Number Completed - 51
Number In Progress - 18
Number Not Started - 22
Number Cancelled - 10

Goal: Put myself first. I am important too. 
1. Go to the spa each quarter - December 2014
2. Run 5km
3. Try out 5 new hair styles - February 2016
4. Meditate once a week - September 2016
5. Develop a bedtime routine and stick to it - October 2015
6. Completely finish a crossword puzzle
7. Breast reduction - Cancelled (no time)
8. Go to the dentist - February 2014
9. Plan something for 20 years with T - June 2016
10. CCC GTG - Cancelled

Goal: Continue to reduce toxins in our lives 
11. Start a canning pantry
12. Don't eat fast food for 1 month * - July 2014
13. Make own teeth whitener - October 2016
14. Make own wool dryer balls
15. Make own Christmas crackers
16. Make or buy produce bags - September 2016
17. Make own mouthwash - Cancelled (found a great one)
18. Make own yogurt
19. Grow 5 new things in the garden - August 2016
20. Create a year round herb garden
21. Make own almond milk - October 2016
22. Permanently unjunk 10 junk foods - August 2014
23. Find replacements for remaining foods that contain GMOs - November 2014
24. Purchase a new vacuum - December 2014
25. Plant 3 trees - August 2014

Goal: Be more present in the day to day. 
26. Take a pic of B and I every day for 365 days - December 2014
27. Participate in the 365 Grateful Project - December 2014
28. Make Story Stones
29. Make Memory Game
30. Plan 3 scavenger hunts - March 2016
31. Make a bird feeder and learn about the birds using it - December 2015
32. Make a mini golf course inside - August 2016
33. Take B to Mighty Machines
34. Build a massive domino run - January 2015
35. Go to a drive in theater * - July 2016
36. Make 5 homemade Christmas ornaments - December 2015
37. Create a hand and finger print tree
38. Start a height measurement stick for B
39. Say "Yes" more than I say "No" to B - September 2015

Goal: Less house, more home. 
40. Finish basement with as many sustainable materials as possible * - Cancelled
41. Frame B's art in the kitchen - Cancelled (he doesn't bring much home)
42. Restain stairs * - March 2016
43. Decorate family room *
44. Decorate living room *
45. Decorate master bedroom *
46. Fix master bath shower
47. Decorate office *
48. Finish photo wall - November 2015
49. Clean and organize garage *
50. Organize pantry - December 2015
51. Organize digital photos * - September 2015
52. Purchase a new front door *
53. Finish bedroom for B *
54. Create a storage bench in Family room
55. Build entertainment unit in Family room - March 2016
56. Make a reading nook for B
57. Finish building shed
58. Storage for B's artwork and crafts
59. Make an outdoor chalk board
60. Toy storage - March 2016
61. Landscape property using as many native species as possible - June 2016
62. Fix fence
63. Replace grass with ground cover - September 2014
64. Fix windows
65. Determine if solar panels can be installed - May 2016 (Yes)

Goal: See more of Canada.
66. Visit the Ice Hotel * - Cancelled (no time)
67. Go backcountry camping * - June 2016
68. Attend Oktoberfest * - October 2014
69. Hike Rare property - May 2016
70. Camp on the East Coast - Cancelled due to a change in family plans
71. Cross country ski

Goal: Write for me and not because I have to. 
72. Blog 1 time a week for 4 weeks
73. Create a download for blog followers
74. Relabel categories to fit with new blog
75. Write once per week for TGP * - Cancelled
76. Follow blogs because I love them and stop following those I never read - August 2015

Goal: Disconnect more often. 
77. Read 10 books - July 2015
78. Cut screen time in half for 1 month - November 2015
79. Make keepsake boxes from each trip
80. Find work/life balance that works for me - August 2014
81. Go on family bike rides

Goal: Give back locally.
82. Adopt a family at Christmas - December 2015
83. Become a Board Member of B's school - no room on Board. Chair of Climate Action Committee instead - November 2015
84. Complete 25 RAOK - October 2015
85. Volunteer - November 2015
86. Petition for EV Charging Stations to be installed locally - June 2014

Goal: Learn new things.
87. Learn to skate *
88. Learn to apply makeup *
89. Learn to cook the perfect steak - June 2015
90. Start making squares for B's quilt *
91. Learn to knit * - October 2016
92. Get B guitar lessons
93. Try Once a Month cooking - September 2016
94. Start a family tree
95. Make B's Halloween costume - October 2014
96. Learn to bake bread * - March 2016

Goal: Finish the things I keep saying I need to finish.
97. Finish watching The Wire
98. Watch all Fringe episodes * - May 2016 (I miss you already Peter)
99. Finish photo books *
100. Finish Super Mario Brothers * - Cancelled (why did I think I had time for this)
101. Finish a childhood photo album for Joe * - Cancelled


  1. I love your spa mention! I go for a massage once a month. It isn't cheap but taking a day for ME every once in a while is important. I usually follow it up with lunch with a friend and am such a happier mom that afternoon!

  2. This is a great way to make sure you do the things that are important to you, and not just the urgent unpleasant ones staring you in the face. I esp. like the ideas for fun with B.

  3. Ambitious and rich list. Hope you get to 101!

  4. We are having so much fun already Betsy! Although he is already getting bored of the picture a day thing.

  5. Fun! Good luck with all of this--you seem inspired!

  6. If i can learn to Skate you have no excuse:-)
