

February Gratitude

It is getting easier to find gratitude in the small every day moments. For a few weeks this month I didn't even really think about taking daily pictures but when I looked back tonight I realized that I was still capturing things I was grateful for. There are still days where I rush to find something at the end of the when I went up to bed one night and Woody was sitting casually in the hallway with B's bedroom door open a crack. Woody had been kicked out of bed but he didn't throw him out and shut the door like he did with Buzz the previous month. If you know B you will know why this is hilarious.

While I am so over that it is still winter and it is still 1 million degrees below zero and there is still 4 feet of snow on our lawn. I am loving at how fast the cold temps and pile of snow can chill a bottle of wine. I love how the snow looks on the protected wood lot behind our house and I love how crisp the sunsets look when it is this cold out. 

You know when you are pregnant and you wonder if the little thing growing inside of you will be a mini me. B is totally a mini me. Without seeing me do it first he eats his raspberries by putting them on his 5 fingers and then eats them off one by one. This is totally a Jen thing. We laugh all the time B does something that is so very much like me. His personality is remarkably similar and I can only hope that as he grows he will continue to be quirky and funny. 

Yes that is a picture of my feet up there. Steel toed boots one day, heels the next. That's how I roll. 

What were you grateful for last month?

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  1. I really enjoy your gratitude series ... and I like that many of the things which you are grateful for are small, everyday things. It reminds us to appreciate everything! Every night, before we go to sleep, we take a moment and list off things we are grateful for that day. It's very powerful and puts us into such a great mood. We sleep well and wake up anxious to face the day. It also makes us look for things to be grateful for .. and that keeps us present in the moment. :-)

  2. Poor Woody.. although Buzz sounds like he got the worst of I think there are so many things we take for granted till they aren't there anymore. It is good to look around realize all that we have and be grateful for the little things as well as the big. :) Good post.
