

March Gratitude

March was a busy month, as has been April, which is why this post is coming a few weeks late. March is the official kickoff to the start of birthday parties. We have at least 2 family birthday parties each month from now until the end of the summer. Each party is always reflective of the person we are celebrating and I always leave with a smile on my face. In March, we saw a sister from another mister turn 6 and I jumped higher than I thought I had ever jumped before (although Joe tells a different story) in an attempt to get B to just stand on a trampoline with me. 50 minutes into the hour we had on the trampoline and his feet finally landed on the bouncy floor. 

We have really fallen in love with yoga and while I have yet to take a class, I am thoroughly enjoying being led into poses by my 4 year old. I'm constantly amazed by what he is capable of and how he manages not to laugh at me when I can't do a pose as easily as he can. 

I am grateful for the snow-filled winter we have had as it will hopefully mean that we won't have a drought this summer. And while March saw several snow storms, it also marked the arrival of seeds for our garden and trips to maple syrup farms. A sure sign that spring is somewhere around the corner.  Also commonly found around the corner in our house is some form of a dinosaur. Lately, they all live on the window sill in our family room and as the sun goes down at night all you can see is there terrifying shadow from behind the curtains. 

At night, after I put B to bed I normally set down with a glass of wine and my laptop. That is when my 2nd "job" kicks in. I write, socialize my posts and friends content on social media, have meetings with my friends and participate in twitter parties. I'm grateful for the network of friends that I have made around the world, united in the common belief that all of our small acts do make a difference. 

Related Posts - Check them Out
February Gratitude
January Gratitude
I Want to be More Grateful


  1. THank you for the reminder. I need to focus more on gratitude this month!

  2. I have been so incredibly busy with my half marathon training that I haven't really had much of a chance to catch up. Glad things are going well!
    ps.. still jealous that you've been able to actually start yoga! lol

    1. By "start" you mean listen to a 4 year old right? ;)
