

Introducing Yoga To Kids

The best part about learning yoga has been that my 4 year old is basically teaching me. His love of yoga started at school where they were doing it a few times a week. I honestly didn't even know they were teaching the kids yoga until he stood in tree pose one day. Since then he has been showing me new poses, asking me to do them while telling me they are "easy peasy, lemon squeezy".  Yoga is our time to relax and have some fun. It is also a wonderful de-stressor for me and allows me to slow down and be grateful in the moment.

Want to Introduce Yoga to Your Kids? Here is how!

Start out with a simple pose book. This will teach them the fundamentals and some basic poses. The poses in the book are easy for the kids to do while still being actually poses that they would do if they went to a class. Our favourite poses are Airplane, Lion, Plank, Shark and Tree. The kid can also rock the Turtle pose.

Once they have the hang of things and you know they will at least stick with it, you should invest in a yoga mat. When I was looking for one for B I turned to my friend Jenny who told me not to pay extra for a kid specific mat but instead to just get an adult sized one. Look for a mat that is free from toxins like phalates, latex and PVC.

There are a lot of great yoga videos for kids out there, including free videos on You Tube. I would look at your local library too for rental options before you buy anything. We bought a video that was aimed at kids B's age and it is was long and had very little focus on the poses so we both got bored very quickly.

Yoga classes are a great gift for kids. Each studio will operate their kids classes differently so it is best to contact them directly to ensure their structure works for you. A real bonus is that most studios offer the kids classes at the same time as an adult class so you can take a class while your little yogi is in their class.  Two of my friends teach kids yoga or family yoga so if you are in Dallas check of Jenny's classes and if you are Oakville go see Angie's classes

Introducing yoga at a young age is a great way to start your kids on the path to a healthy life. It will also give them the tools to be able to relax, meditate and de-stress in life.

Have you introduced yoga to your kids or the kids in your life?

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  1. I've been practicing yoga for a few months now, and my niece has started jumping in but it doesn't take long for her to get bored. I'm definitely going to check out the ABCs book of yoga and look for youtube videos aimed for kids! Great post-thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out :-) I also love to recommend people search YouTube for "Kosmic Kids Yoga" - she has some great fun free videos that your kids will love!
