

2014 Ontario Election - Green Party Platform

I'm not going to lie, this platform has my name written all over it. I love the way this party operates, it is like finding my tribe and feeling at home (if that is even possible in politics) and I appreciate that their platform shows exactly how they plan to pay for their promises and what it means to you and me.  That being said, this review will be just the facts and my crunchiness won't cloud the information that I present (as it hasn't in any of the platform reviews). I reviewed their platform 3 years ago and also talked to several Green Party candidates. They were more than willing to chat about their policy and why they want to be in office. Here's the thing, they know they aren't going to win the election (at this point in time) and take the Premier seat but that does not mean that they can't be a voice of reason as MPPs in our political system.   

The Green Party wants to ensure that our communities are not being damaged by over development.  They are planning to do this is to push the government to increase royalties and levies for mining, aggregates and water-taking and my closing loopholes in legislation that allow companies to get away with polluting our communities.  

Their main focus for transportation improvements is to get you home faster by paying for the transit infrastructure we need. They want to establish a dedicated transit fund to build new transit and support the operation of existing transit. They also want to work with other parties to implement dedicated revenue tools (congestion charges, gas taxes and parking fees), to raise $3 billion a year to build and operate transit in communities across Ontario. 

Their plan is for you to be able to invest in energy saving projects in your home that will save you money on energy costs. They will ask the government to provide grants up to $4000 for 1 million homeowners to do just that.

  • Propose legislation requiring utility companies to provide affordable loans for home retrofits. 
  • Cancel the refurbishment of nuclear plants and purchase hydroelectric power instead - saving $1 billion/year.
  • Investing that $1 billion/year in energy conservation will create 56,000+ jobs.

Ontario is losing 365 acres of farmland each day. The Green Party will work to protect farmland and waterways, which will protect our food and drinking water. Protecting farmland won't cost taxpayers anything.

  • Introduce legislation to permanently protect Ontario's Class 1 farmland and source water regions. 
  • Introduce policies to ensure that the land and water that sustains us now will be available for future generations.

Health Care
The Green Party plans to tackle child poverty but increasing the amount of money that those families near the poverty line receive from the government. Their plans will result in families having access to healthier options for their children. 

The main focus of their education platform is to merge the public and separate school boards to save Ontario $1.2 to $1.6 billion each year. They will put this money saved back into the classroom. Merging boards will also prevent local school closings, reduce the time kids spend on buses and for some even make it so they can walk or bike to school.

  • Lay the groundwork for a Social Innovation Foundation that will provide grants, loans and mentorship to young entrepreneurs.
  • The Foundation will be funded by diverting money from corporate grants in regional development funds.

What do you think of the Green Party platform?  Anything you loved or that was missing?

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1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear about the proposed switch from nuclear to more hydro. Solar power will definitely make up a larger mix of energy production in Ontario and around the world.
