

2014 Ontario Election - New Democratic Party Platform

I really like the layout of the NDP platform because it makes it easy to see what they plan to do and by when. 3 years ago I reviewed their plan and talked to several candidates running in ridings across the province.  Back then their plan was much more comprehensive than it is for this election.  I have reviewed their plan for their commitments to environment, transportation, energy, food, health care and education.

The NDP has general plans to protect the environment with the focus on waste. They want to push the cost of recycling and safe disposal of toxic materials back onto the companies that produce them. This is already in place in Ontario for several industries so it is not clear which industry they are targeting.They also would like to reduce waste by ensuring it isn’t created in the first place. Their plan to achieve this is my strengthening regulations that focus on consumer packaging. 

  • Conduct an Environmental Assessment of pipeline projects that impact our communities, including an investment of $2 million annually (this is already a legal requirement so I am not sure what they are planning to do beyond the regulations). 
  • Protect the Great Lakes with an action plan to control invasive species. 

There are several key transit projects that the NDP plan to prioritize,including the all day two-way GO Train to Kitchener and Niagara Falls, the Downtown Relief Life, Scarborough transit  and Clean Trains Now and Scarborough transit. On the Union-Pearson air-rail link. 

  • Help communities create bike networks Restore funding for new buses in all municipalities 
  • Commit to widen 60km/year of highways across Ontario 
  • Improve public transit in cities 

There was no food/agriculture section in the NDP plan.

The NDP want to help families be able to install solar panels and make energy efficient retrofits to their homes. They will create a $50 million fun to cover loans for upgrades to heating systems, water heaters, low-flow toilets and shower heads. It will also be used to fun solar panel installations. For low income families, they plan to offer these loans with no interest. 

  • Take HST off home hydro bills 
  • Prevent unfair price increases for natural gas consumers 
  • Maintain feed-in tariff for small renewable energy projects 
  • Ensure transparency with nuclear refurbishment projects 

They want to launch a Student Achievement Program with the goal of helping kids succeed. This Program will start in 2016 with an annual investment of $35 million and will include hiring an additional 1000 Educational Assistants. 

  • Bring back 1000 physical education teachers to keep children healthy and active 
  • Increase wages for Early Childhood Educators 
  • Increase funding for student nutrition programs by $15 million per year 
  • Explore the potential for alternative testing models 

Health Care
The NDP will invest in several areas of health care including $65 million for mental health and addiction and $5 million annually for Children’s Treatment Centers. 

  • Open new 24-hour family health clinics 
  • Attract doctors to high need areas by forgiving student debt 
  • Hire more nurse practioners in ERs 

What do you think about the NDP Plan? Pros or cons? 

Related Posts - Check them Out
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2014 PC Party Plan
2014 Green Party Plan


  1. Love your 3 Party policy thing i will say about the NDP plans they never say how they plan to pay for all the things they plan to put in place. They promise to spend here, here and here but never say where that money is coming from

    1. This year they have a little chart that shows how much they will save (through cuts) and then how much they will spend. But it is totals and doesn't show how it is allocated.
