

2014 Ontario Election - Progressive Conservative Platform

3 years ago I reviewed the Progressive Conservative party platform and reached out to candidates for additional information. Unfortunately, the PC Party was the only party who did not get back to me, not a single candidate responded, not even in my own riding. This year their platform centers around their Million Jobs Plan, which is not without controversy and errors in math.  Here is my summary of the PC Party platform focusing on environment, transportation, energy, food, health care and education.

There is no Environment section in the PC platform.

The Million Jobs Plan claims that they will create 1 million jobs in Ontario but they also plan to slash 100,000 public sector jobs including water inspectors and others who protect the environment.  Hudak continues to vote against important environmental laws including the Great Lakes Protection Act. They also want the conservation branches of the government to refocus their efforts ensuring that there is a balance between the economy and the environment. 

The PC party plans to take over all ownership of the rails and roads in the Toronto area. After they balance the budget (2 years after elected) they promise to spend $2 billion/year solving the transit problem in the GTA.  

  • Build subways to connect those in Etobicoke and eastern parts of the city to downtown
  • Expand highways and fix bottlenecks
  • Expand the GO service by increasing the frequency of service and creating more express trains

They plan to make energy more affordable by stopping power subsidies for wind and solar power and instead increase investments in hydroelectric and nuclear power. They also plan to import hydro from Quebec or other jurisdictions, as required and reinstate local control over solar and wind projects in the North. 

There is no Food or Agriculture section in the PC platform.

Health Care
While the PC party plans to cut spending in all areas of the government, they have indicated that the health care section will not see cuts, but rather spending will increase at a normal rate to ensure service remains intact. 

  • Creation of Health Hubs with local experts determining programs for the community.
  • Increase the amount of services that can be offered as Home Care.
  • Make mental health care a priority in Ontario.
  • Ensure children get 45 minutes of activity through school based programs and after school sports. 

The PC platform for education focuses on making training for trades more accessible, which they hope will create 200,000 opportunities for skilled trades. 

  • Increase funding in science, technology, engineering, business and math and allow more students to enter into these programs.
  • Raise the standards and expectations in the schools including a Grade 8 standardized science test and increase targets for reading, writing and math.
  • Raise math test scores by increasing the number of specialized math teachers in Grade 4-6, providing financial incentive if required. 

What are your thoughts on the PC Platform? Is there anything you think is missing?

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