

2015 Election - NDP of Canada Platform

I've been sitting here a good 10 minutes thinking I must be missing something. The NDP is the 2nd party that has such a vague platform that it makes me think they just aren't putting it all out there on their website. It is actually really shocking how little content there is. I went to the NDP website looking for information on environment, energy, transit, food/agriculture, education and economy. Like with the Conservative platform, I will keep checking back to see if they add more because...there has to be more right?  You can find my reviews of the other platforms here - Liberal, Green, Conservative

As always the most important thing you can do is to educate yourself on the platforms and get out there and vote. If you have eligible children, speak to them about the issues Canada is facing and encourage them to participate in the Turkey Vote Challenge

The NDP want to strengthen laws that will protect Canadian waterways and develop new sustainable development legislation.  They also want to make polluters pay for the cleanup from their pollution (which they currently have to do now but perhaps the NDP wants to extend it to more than just the physical cleanup?).

The NDP plans to ramp up renewable energy production to reduce climate change emissions.

By transferring 1 cent from the existing gas tax to municipalities, the NDP will be helping communities fix roads and bridges. They also plan to develop a Better Transit Plan which will shorten commute times and create 31,000 municipal level jobs. The estimate the transit plan will cost 1.3 billion/year.

The NDP platform does not cover food/agriculture which is a gap due to our current need for transparent labeling in our food system.

The NDP platform does not make mention of anything relating to education.

By closing the stock option tax loophole (which costs Canadians $500 million/year), the NDP will be able to reduce the small business tax rate from 11%-9%. He will also raise the corporate tax rate to 17%.

(see I wasn't joking, that's it). What do you think is missing from the NDP platform?

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