

Juicing Without A Juicer

I don't own a high powered blender or a juicer.  Not that I don't think it would be awesome to have one but right now my regular old blender works just fine. I do sometimes feel limited in what I can make as our blender doesn't break down some fruits and veggies like its high powered counterpart would. I try to block out the 2014 Beet Smoothie Incident and the 2016 Almond Smoothie Incident but they are classic examples of how I can't have it all with our current blender. This is also why I have never made my own juice, as I always thought I would need to have some fancy equipment that has a late night infomercial in order to get chunk free juice. I was wrong.

There are 2 ways you can make juice without a juicer and this is by far my favourite method. It will require a blender of some sort unless you have found some other method to get juice out of produce. Some may say that this method looks like more work with more to clean but the reality is that you aren't going to be cleaning out a big old juicer so the effort going in to making the juice is probably the same. You can use this process to make any juice, just add in the produce you have on hand and come up with your own concoctions. I also have some recipes pinned in my Delicious Drinks album on Pinterest. 

Warning! This is a gateway juice. Making and drinking this will cause you to start making your own juice and even adding more veggies and less fruit.  I like to make this the night before and then store in a mason jar in the fridge. In the morning I can just grab it and go. You can also make a double batch and store in the fridge for 2-3 days. 

What You Will Need
1/2 large grapefruit (if you love grapefruit you could add the whole thing)
1 orange
3/4 cup kale
2 carrots
1 wedge of red cabbage (you could also sub in 1/2 a beet instead)
1 cup of water (regular or coconut)
Metal Sieve
Wooden Spoon or Spatula
Mason Jar or Glass

Let's Get Juicing!

Step 1 - Make sure you have washed everything thoroughly and you will want to remove the skins of the citrus fruit. If you are ever adding other produce (ie: cucumber) you can leave the skin on if it is organic. 

Step 2 - Add everything to the blender, making sure you don't forget the water because it will be needed to help everything get blended down. Keep blending until it is a smoothie like consistency.

Step 3 - Place a metal sieve on top of a bowl. I like to use a bowl that is roughly the same size as the sieve so they can sit together without tipping. Start to pour the mixture from the blender into the sieve. It is easier to do a few small batches vs pouring everything in all at once, but this could depend on the size of sieve you have. Let the juice drip out through the sieve.

Step 4 - After a minute of letting the juice drop out of the sieve (I spend that minute putting the scrap fruit in the compost and scrap veggies in the freezer) use your wooden spoon or spatula to push down on the pulp to start to remove even more juice. Stir, press, stir press. Repeat.

Step 5 - When all the juice is removed from the pulp, remove the sieve from the bowl and set aside. Grab your mason jar or glass and add a funnel to the top. Slowly pour the juice from the bowl and then enjoy!

Baking With Juice Pulp

Let's not forget about that pulp you have sitting in the sieve. You could put it into the compost or you could make use of it by adding it to bread or muffins. I like to put the pulp into a glass jar and place into the freezer for later use in baking. 

What You Will Need
Ingredients in this recipe
Juice Pulp

Step 1 - Remove pulp from freezer and allow to defrost.

Step 2 - Scoop the defrosted pulp into a square of cheesecloth or a clean dish towel. Place over top of a bowl and squeeze out all of the excess juice that will be in the pulp. I didn't do this the first time I followed the above recipe and after 2 hours in the oven my bread still wasn't baked. 

Step 3 - Follow these instructions and make your muffins or bread. I cut the amount of pulp to 1 cup because I found that adding 2 cups made the batter very wet. I also find that the baking times are not long enough so I often have to add on an additional 10-20 minutes.

What are your favourite juicing recipes or ways to use up pulp?

Related Posts - Check them Out!
Organic Apple Crisp
Eat Healthy and Reduce Waste
Baking With Real Pumpkin

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This post contains Affiliate links that when used help to may for my ever growing juicing addiction.


  1. I love that you use the pulp in your baking. I do too!

    1. What is your favourite way to use the pulp Anna?

  2. This looks great! I was searching for means to make fresh juice without the need of a high-powered modern juicer and this is perfect! My wife wanted one, but i told her that there are other ways to utilize own fully functional, although a little battered, juicer. As a rubbish removal company manager I try to fully utilize each appliance we have before disposing of it and buying a new one - a thing that i find that most people need to do.
    Anyway - great content and great recipe - I'm sure my wife will love it !

  3. That is a great idea for using the pulp! I have never come across that idea. I will save mine from now on.

  4. I don't own a high powered blender or a juicer. Not that I don't think it would be awesome to have one but right now my regular old blender works just fine. my blog
