This will be my 4th time completing the 101 in 1001. Over the last 3003 days I have not completed all 303 items on my list. I used to feel bad about this, like how is it possible that I can't get something done in such a long time frame. The reality is that life can change a lot in 1001 days. What was once important on Day 1 may seem completely ridiculous on day 1001. I have no clue what I thought finishing Super Mario Brothers would be a good use of my time.
What I liked about my last round of 101 things is that I focused more on a specific goal and even if I didn't get everything under that goal done I can say that in almost all cases I felt like I achieved my goal. There were things I did to meet those goals that weren't on the list, some of which were more important. I will be continuing with setting overall goals and 101 things to help me meet them.