

If you have been around my website for awhile know you know that I am always looking for ways to reduce our impact on the environment and limit our exposure to harmful chemicals.  A truly simple (and cheap) way to do this has been through making my own cleaning and personal care products. I stock up on the basic ingredients that are the base of nearly every recipe (coconut oil, vinegar, baking soda) and then incorporate key essential oils.  I don't have a stockpile of hundreds of oils, and frankly you don't need one either. I focus my spending on the oils that I love and know I will get the most use out of.  Sign up here or email me if you have any questions! 

Investing in Essential Oils Can Save You Money

One 15ml bottle of essential oil contains ~250 drops and since these oils are pure and concentrated you don't need to add a lot for them to be effective. That equates to ~$0.10/drop of oil (cost depends on the type of oil as some are more expensive than others)  In my deodorant recipe I use 2-4 drops of oil which means that for $0.20-$0.40 you can add some serious power to the recipe.  Making my own deodorant has saved me over $100 a year.

Other Products You Can DIY Using Essential Oils 
Air Fresheners and Odour Eliminators
Cleaners (all purpose, carpet powders, floor cleaner, wood cleaners) 
Bug Spray
Burn Ointment
Foaming Hand Soap
Laundry Products (dryer sheet replacements, stain remover, laundry soap)
Personal Care Products (body lotion, bath bombs, face wash, hairspray, mouthwash)
Vapour Rub

Think about what you typically spend on these types of products in a year and then what you could save by making them yourself. 

Investing in Oils Reduces Your Waste Generation
Making your own products will always be an easy way to reduce the amount of waste you generate. You won't be buying one time use plastic packaging that cleaners and personal care products come in, some of which aren't even recyclable (deodorant and toothpaste tubes).  I reuse glass jars when I am making my products and the only waste that I end up with is the empty jars from my base ingredients, which I buy in bulk. 

My AHA Moment
Ever since having B I get wicked cramps each month. Roll on the floor, wail and curse being a woman type of cramps. One month as soon as I felt cramps starting I added a few drops of Clary Sage to my bracelet and not only did my cramps disappear but they never came back!

Join Me!
There are many ways to start buying essential oils so email me to learn more or sign up here
  • Pay Retail - If you want to buy for yourself once or twice a year. Use the SHOP link on my site to purchase oils and accessories. 
  • Pay Wholesale - Sign up for a Wholesale Customer account to receive wholesale pricing (25% off retail) and earn points towards free oils. Use the JOIN AND SAVE link on my site to sign up for a wholesale account. 
  • Pay Wholesale and make some extra pocket change - Sign up for a Wellness Advocate account to receive wholesale pricing (25% off retail), earn points towards free oils and start to build and make an income. Use the JOIN AND SAVE link on my site to sign up for a Wellness Advocate account. 

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